Our lowest price ever! Special sale ends in:

Wanna shop for yourself and save money?

These Black Friday - Cyber Monday Specials are Coming in HOT!

Grab one, two or all of the Black Friday Offers Now Until Monday November 28th at 11:59 pm ET

it's time for our best sale of the year! pick your deal:

deal number one

Business Design With Human Design

The Course

Business Design with Human Design® The Course will help you quickly (and easily) select the perfect business model based off of your human design, and help you create the framework to transform your business model...without the wasted time, money and energy, and overwhelm. If you are craving an individualized approach that considers who you are, the strengths you bring to the table and the lifestyle (& freedom) you desire. You've watched as colleagues who don't have as much expertise as you successfully launch their businesses online, yet you can't seem to get out of your own way to get your program off of the ground. The Business Design with Human Design The Course is for you.

  • Throw out all the rules on how you "should" build a business and embrace the possibilities.
    You can build a life & biz around who you are. It starts with the foundation of your business...the business model, offer, and role you play in that container.

  • Get clear on the nuance of the business models, roles, containers, and offer is best for you based on both your human design AND the lifestyle you desire.

  • Navigate the straddle season with more ease because you know what to expect, the potential pitfalls along the way, and have clarity on what is pulling your forward.

  • Discover by design (& with intention) the nuance of your natural tendencies through the profiles, types, circuitry, variable, centers and more

  • What's Included
    9 modules, 6 live calls, community, private podcast and more.

Get Ready TO Embrace Ease & Fall in LOVE With Your Business...By Design

grab it at 60%off!

Regular price = $197

The Client Experience..

Here’s how some of our clients have been able to transform their biz.

Tamara MacDonald

“Thank you Jaimie for creating this program to help business owners find the way to build their business in accordance with who they are and not some cookie cutter strategy that works against each person's unique energy.I have never felt more seen."

deal number two

The Profile Collective

Have you been wanting to dig deeper into the nuance and depth of the 12 profiles in human design? This is for you! Gain access to The Profile Collective. A 12 hour deep dive into the the profiles in human design. If you are a human design lover, want to dig deeper into the profiles, and understand how to better support yourself and your clients by better understanding the profiles The Profile Collective is for you.

  • Delve into the 12 Human Design Profiles

    Each month 2 new profiles drops will be added to the learning platform throughout the first six months of 2023 along with 6 monthly Q & A sessions to dive into the nuance and depth of the profile.

  • What's included

    Each month 2 new profile masterclasses will be added to the learning platform, along with a lesson text which include the high expression, low expression, key themes, challenges, questions and examples.

  • Profile Congruence Meditation

    Each profile training also includes an alignment meditation to support you in getting into congruence with the high expression of your profile.

Each profile collective will normally be sold at $47 per profile - For Black Friday receive all 12 for $247

grab it at 50%off!

Regular price = $567

The Client Experience

Here’s what some of our amazing clients have experienced.


"This is hands down THE best content I have experienced on the human design profiles and I have taken many human design courses.

Preorder the HD Your Biz Book

Grab the Preorder Book Bonuses

The book will be coming out Spring 2023! As part of the preorder bonuses you will receive:

  • A signed copy of the book

  • Quarterly HD For Biz Workshops ONLY available when you preorder the book

  • Access to The HD Power Hour happening monthly for all of 2023

  • The Book Bonus Learning Platform coming in 2023

deal number three

HD Snapshot

The Audio Experience

HD Snapshot - The Audio Experience is a private podcast with an audio collection delving into the different aspects within your chart. This private podcast feed is customized to your human design blueprint and includes information on your type, profile, 9 centers, definition, authority, and the gates and channels. Each private podcast feed includes over four hours of content with action items, questions, and tips for getting into the high expression of your human design.

  • Type, profiles, centers, authority, gates, channels, & definition.

    Experience the depth of human design all on one private podcast feed that you can listen to on your favorite podcast app. Take a deep dive into your profile without having to search for the information that relates to you and your design.

  • Complete with Action Tips & Examples

    We even give you questions to ask yourself for getting into the high expression of your design, action tips, suggestions for getting into congruence, and real life examples so you can begin to recognize when you are should'ing yourself.

  • Listen on the Go

    Once you order your HD Audio Snapshot you will receive an email to upload your human design blueprint. Once you submit the profile you will receive your individualized private podcast feed in roughly 30 days.

Enjoy 4 plus hours of individualized audio content around your human design blueprint.

grab it at 30%off!

Regular price = $127

The Client experience

Here’s what some of our amazing clients have been able to discover.


"I absolutely love my audio snapshot! I have listened through all of it three times already. I cannot believe how much information is here! I learn something new about myself every time I listen to it. Thank you for this valuable resource."


Bundle & Save -

Black Friday Ultimate Bundle

Grab the BF Ultimate Bundle which includes

  • Business Design with Human Design Course

  • The Profile Collective

  • The HD Snapshot Audio Experience

Grab all three Black Friday Offers for $350

and receive $72 Off!

And as an added BONUS get a FREE SIGNED copy of the

HD Your Biz® Book coming in Spring 2023

the deep dive Deal

HD Immersion -

The Delightful Dozen - 1 Year Experience

Do you want a full year immersion into the world of human design while also getting support for yourself, your business, relationships, life and more? Become 1 of the 12 Delightful Dozen in the HD Immersion who immerse themselves into working with me for an entire year, while beginning their human design experiment and learning how to leverage this tool in every aspect of your life to create more joy, abundance and flow. Complete with support for yourself, your mind, your body, your relationships, and your business.

  • What's Included in the Deep Dive Deal

    Everything I offer for the entire year including, HD Your Biz® ($1500 Value), HD Wild® ($7500 value), HD Roots® ($997 value), HD Evolve® ($10,000 value), HD Nourish®($1500 Value), and all other offers, programs, workshops and products I put out for the entire year except the HD Retreat.

  • What Does the Support Look Like

    As part of The Delightful Dozen Experience you will receive access to all of my content and programs, as well as voxer support Monday to Thursday, and one to one calls on a first come first serve basis.

  • Still have questions?

    Feel free to reach out to my via voxer - jamielpalmer or send me an email at jamie@jamielpalmer.com

If you are ready to immerse yourself into the world of human design. Cultivate, evolve, nourish and live your life by design with the HD Immersion

grab it at Over 50%off!

Regular price = $25000

Explore all of the special offers happening

Explore the HD Holiday Shop

new around here?


my name is Jamie + I am a human Design Expert & Business (& Life) Strategist!

I've spent most of the last year building the foundation of my own HD Congruent business so I thought I would share some of what I've been working on in these special offers.

I am a human design expert, business strategist and guide with nearly two decades of experiences working with entrepreneurs. I believe you can build a business around your strengths and do things on your own terms while still being wildly successful. I encourage you to throw out the rules and embrace the possibilities. I see myself as a teacher, guide and creative. I wrote my first book this year which will be published in Spring of 2023.

* If we can take people with zero experience in launching, and have them completing a launch - full copy, design, funnel tech and more... we can help you too.